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News > Reunions and Events > Annual Dinner 2020 - Friday 14th February

Annual Dinner 2020 - Friday 14th February

The OC Society Annual Dinner Will Take Place On Friday 14th February 2020 At The College
Dear OC                                                                                                                                    December 2019                                                                                   
The Old Campbellian Society Annual Dinner  – Friday 14th February 2020
I am delighted to invite you to The OC Society Annual Dinner, which takes place on Friday 14th February 2020 at the College. The Dinner provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy a great night with fellow OCs of all generations, find out what’s happening at the College and meet up with your peers.   
It is an aspiration that a 50th Reunion takes place annually at the Dinner and hopefully this will be the case again in February. So too 40th, 30th, 20th and 10th Reunions and I understand that a 25th Reunion for the leavers of 1995 has already begun
As the Society President for 2020, I will briefly welcome to you, our Official Guests, Parents & Friends to the Dinner and introduce the Guest Speaker, Richard Burden (6958), who left for the USA at the age of 22 and who has become a hugely successful stuntman since.
Please confirm your attendance online here or print this notice off and send it in to the Society Office by post together with a cheque for the required amount and the names and details of yourself and any guests.
Or contact the office via email and discuss your intentions for the Dinner and you can pay for your place via the online shop here.
Postal returns should be accompanied by a cheque made payable to The Old Campbellian Society and be received no later than 30th January 2020. The cost will be £40.00 per person. Leavers from 2015 and later benefit from a discounted price of only £30.00.
You will be most welcome from 7.00pm when drinks will be available from a cash bar located in the Dining Hall at the Servery Hatch, allowing you time to mix and meet with old friends.
I look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be a very enjoyable evening. Finally, I would like to thank Flooring Solutions (NI) Ltd throughGreer Winninton (10367) and Rodgers&Browne through Connor Browne (8059) for sponsoring the Dinner.
I look forward to welcoming you on the night
Myles Nelson (6446)
Vice President                                                              
Dress: Black Tie                                                                                                                      Carriages: Prior to 01.00am
Application Form Annual Dinner 2020
Name: ___________________    Initials: __________ Preferred Name: __________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Postcode: _______________
Home Tel No: ________________________ Mobile No: _______________________________________________________________
Email address:  ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Value of cheque enclosed:  _________ made payable to The Old Campbellian Society (£40.00 per head, £30 for 2015 onwards)
Please list the names of your guests below:
___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____. ___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____.

___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____. ___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____.
___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____. ___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____.
___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____. ___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____.
 ___________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____. __________________ OC Y/N ____ Yr left_____.
A confirmatory email will be sent to completed email addresses
There is a maximum of ten persons per table and tables will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Smaller groups or individuals will be placed at tables to try to make up tables of ten and if possible, in a similar age bracket. The Dinner is open to all OCs and to their guests.
A cash Wine Bar will be located in the Central Hall enabling you to order your wines prior to Dinner or during the evening and we would encourage you to order wines upon arrival. Or avail of the Wine Ordering Service by asking the Society to Forward a Pre Order Form to you in advance of the event in early February. This Form will be on line one week prior to the Dinner. Dinner will be served at 8.00pm in the Central Hall.

Envelopes will be provided on your tables which will be collected during the Main Course. The collection is in support of the College's Full Bursary Programme enabling the education of talented young boys who would otherwise not have the opportunity to study at the College by offering a full bursary from entry in Year 8.
Please ensure that you pay with or in advance of sending in your Return. Payment must be made before the Dinner.

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